MpN pidió 59 mil 463 dólares más al NDI

La directora Ejecutiva del Movimiento por Nicaragua, Violeta Granera, solicitó 59 mil dólares extras al Instituto Nacional Demócrata, NDI, con el pretexto de ampliar por dos meses más el proyecto de Centro de Atención, CAC, en el 2007.


Parte de esos fondos, según justificó doña Violeta, fueron utilizados para el pago de salarios donde ella se recetó 1300 dólares mensuales y al oficial de comunicaciones 1005 dólares. El documento, elaborado en inglés, detalla lo salarios devengados solamente para ese programa.


                                   FIBRAS/ Movimiento por Nicaragua (MpN)


  July – August extension project


Total Budget:                                                                                 $ 59,463.00

Submitted to:                                               National Democratic Institute (NDI)





During this two months extension period Movimiento por Nicaragua (MpN) will operate a total of seven Citizen Attention Centers (CACs) located in the following cities: Managua, Rio Blanco, Estelí, León, Matagalpa, Chinandega and Masaya. Office supplies and repair and maintenance will be provided to all six offices and MpN Headquarters. The NDI will also provide six  local travel costs monthly to the Program Officer, Assistant Program Officer and Head of Volunteers (one to every office).


  1. Salaries


The Executive Director (ED): will spend 65% of her/his time supervising and executing proper project implementation. In coordination with the Program Officer and Assistant Program Officer, the ED will be responsible for the effective planning, implementation and execution of the NDI project. She/he will be the official senior MpN representative serving as the liaison with high-level US Embassy and USAID officers, donor officials and government representatives. The ED will receive and edit reports from the Program Officer and ensure that the MpN-NDI team accurately applies program objectives.


Specific responsibilities of the ED will include:

  • Develop annual strategy proposals for projects to be approved by the Executive Committee (EC).
  • Execute projects and initiatives approved by the EC, in coordination with different special commissions.
  • Plan, control, supervise and appropriately execute project budgets, and present monthly project progress reports to the EC.
  • Maintain an operating structure that ensures the efficient functioning of the organization in fulfillment of MpN objectives.
  • Maintain close coordination with MpN project donors.
  • Honorably represent MpN/FIBRAS in any activity related to the organization.
  • Supervise the activities of all MpN personnel.
  • Carry out the final review of weekly, periodic, narrative and executive reports and the weekly and monthly work plans of operating team.
  • Hold bimonthly meetings with staff for periodic planning and the review of achievements and difficulties.
  • Participate in EC meetings and comply with the specific agreements sent by the EC to the ED.
  • Name, in coordination with the EC Contracting Commission, the personnel required for efficient MpN project execution in all positions with remuneration above US$ 1,200 per month.
  • Evaluate the human and professional development of all subordinate personnel in order to determine incentives or sanctions.


The ED will allocate 90% of his/her time for two-month  duration, totaling US$ 1,300 per month, for a total of US$2,600 after two months.


The Communications Program Officer (CPO):  Will spend 67% of his/her time being responsible for strengthening Movement for Nicaragua internal and external communication, define and develop a positive NGO image to attract new sectors in our support, develop a strategy and alliance with all media outlets to ensure a continuous air time on MpN activities related to this project and ensuring that the communications program objectives are accurately met.


Specific responsibilities of the CPO will include:

  • Direct, supervise, administer and coordinate all communication activities and propose general policies for the appropriate integral image of each Citizen Attention Center, ensuring the fulfillment of communications objectives and indicators established for the project.
  • Design a media campaign for each Citizen Attention Center.


The CPO salary is projected at $1,005 per month for the two-month duration, totaling US$2,010 after two months.


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