EyT se convirtió en un gigantesco “pulpo”

El 16 de agosto del 2016, el Director Ejecutivo de Etica y Transparencia, Roberto Courney, envió una carta a la Organización de Estados Americanos, OEA, solicitando la participación de ese “grupo cívico” en las actividades que el organismo multilateral realiza con organizaciones de la sociedad civil.

Lo que llama la atención en esa carta – escrita en inglés- es que Courtney revela que EyT recibe financiamiento de la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional, USAID;  del Fondo de Desarrollo Demócrata, del Centro Canadiense de Estudios y Cooperación Internacional y de la Misión de las Naciones Unidas en Guatemala.

Además admite recibir fondos del Programa de Dinamarca para los DDHH en Centroamérica, de la Federación Luterana Mundial Catholic Relief,  del BID, del Instituto de la Cooperación para la Agricultura, del PNUD, de la Fundación Tinker y de las embajadas de Suiza y Canadá en Guatemala.


                     PERMANENT COUNCIL OF THE                                             OEA/Ser.G

             ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES                                     CP/CISC-265/06

                                                                                                                        16 August 2006



                               IN OAS ACTIVITIES





[Grupo Cívico Ética y Transparencia (EyT)]






 This document was prepared by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat to provide Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS) with information on the civil society organization (CSO) Grupo Cívico Ética y Transparencia (EyT).

 The information contained in this report responds to resolution CP/RES. 759 (1217/99), “Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities.”  This document contains a summary and a list of supporting documentation presented by EyT in accordance with the aforementioned Guidelines.


 1. Background


            EyT is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization aimed at enhancing democratic principles and civic development through the promotion of governance, transparency, and justice in national, regional, and local government.


            In April of 1996, EyT was established in Managua, Nicaragua as a national chapter of Transparency International (TI), a nongovernmental, nonpartisan organization devoted to combating corruption worldwide. TI’s global network of locally established national chapters raise awareness and diminish tolerance of corruption, promote transparency, and implement actions to combat corrupt practices. 


            EyT builds networks to establish an active and responsible citizenry and supports measures to combat corruption and foster ethical behavior. Among its principal activities, EyT monitors the electoral process and judicial system in Nicaragua. A press and communications division was created within EyT to improve the flow of information between Grupo Cívico Ética y Transparencia in Nicaragua, Transparency International in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Transparency International on a global level.


            EyT finances its programs and activities through donations from diverse international organizations and institutions. These sources include the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Soros Foundation, the Democratic Development Fund of the Canadian Center for International Study and Cooperation, the United Nations Mission in Guatemala, the Denmark Program for Human Rights in Central America (PRODECA), the World Lutheran Federation, Catholic Relief, Nexus/DAI, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Tinker Foundation, and the Embassies of Switzerland and Canada in Guatemala.


            EyT applied for registration with the OAS on May 11, 2006




  1. Name, address and date of establishment of the CSO


Name:                         Grupo Cívico Ética y Transparencia (EyT)


Address:                     Carretera Managua

                                   Masaya, Casino Paraos

                                   2 cuadra abajo 1 al lago

                                   Managua, Nicaragua


Telephone:                  (505) 270-36-60


Fax:                            (505) 270-35-56


Website:                      www.eyt.org.ni


E-mail:                                    [email protected]


Executive Director:     Robert Andrew Courtney Cerda


Date established:         April 26, 1996



  1. Primary areas of activity of the CSO and their relationship to OAS activities


            EyT works to strengthen democracy in the national and international arena and seeks to combat corrupt practices by improving ethics and accountability in government. Its activities related to those of the OAS or bodies of the inter-American system include the following:


  • Promote citizen participation and generate interaction among citizens and government to foster a climate of democratic governance;


  • Support agreements and measures that combat corruption, strengthen national legislation, and create a culture of social responsibility; and


  • Promote transparency and integrity in government activities, responsibility in public administration, and accountability as a foundation for democracy.



  1. CSO contributions that could be of interest to the OAS


            EyT implements programs and strategies to monitor electoral and judicial systems, enhance democratic consolidation, strengthen ethical behavior in government, and promote awareness and education about corruption. Among its contributions that may be of interest to the OAS are:


  • Observe, analyze, and support the electoral system by verifying political party signatures, precise and rapid counting of votes, monitoring campaign expenses, and contributing to proposals for electoral reform through surveys and educational forums;
  • Monitor the judicial system by creating networks of university students to support research and promote legal studies and auditing of public funds;


  • Work with local governments in Nicaragua to strengthen transparency and accountability of local government;


  • Combat corruption by developing radio and television messages to promote awareness and debate, sharing experiences with other organizations and promoting the policies of international organizations that fight against corruption; and


  • Strengthen and legitimize government authority and improve civil society’s ability to monitor public administration by conducting research and facilitating studies.



  1. Identification of the OAS work areas in which the CSO proposes to support ongoing activities or to make recommendations on the best way to achieve OAS objectives


EyT works to advance the profile of corruption on the international agenda and intends to work with the OAS on programs designed to fight against corruption and strengthen democratic institutions in Central America.  EyT can cooperate with the OAS in the following areas:


  • Collaborate with the Department of International Legal Affairs to monitor compliance with the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption (IACAC) and provide assistance in activities carried out by the Committee of Experts on the Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption (MESICIC);


  • Participate in the Inter-American Program for Cooperation in the Fight Against Corruption by sharing experiences and information aimed at improving existing anticorruption institutions and systems;


  • Support the Secretariat for Political Affairs in its efforts to strengthen democracy, observe elections, monitor political financing, assist with conflict mediation, and promote transparency;


  • Cooperate with the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) to develop collaborative actions and promote dialogue on governance, integrity, and transparency;


  • Participate in the civil society activities coordinated by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat;


  • Promote follow-up of the implementation of mandates of the Summits of the Americas, OAS General Assemblies, and Permanent Council resolutions related to democracy, justice, education, transparency, and good governance.




  1. Documents submitted by the CSO to the OAS


  • Letter addressed to the Secretary General of the OAS dated May 11, 2006
  • Names of directors and legal representatives
  • Constitution
  • Statutes
  • Financial statements (2004-2005)
  • Mission Statement
  • Report of activities (1996-2004)



  • Annual Report: Transparency International in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004


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