MpN pidió apoyo para impresión de boletín

El Movimiento por Nicaragua , MpN, dice que tiene un boletín informativo, cuyo costo mensual de impresión es de 600 dólares. Según los directivos de este organismo, el tiraje es de 5000 ejemplares y para ello pidió al Instituto Nacional Demócrata, NDI, un apoyo de 900 dólares para dos meses.

El boletín del MpN, según sus directivos, se distribuye únicamente entre sus activistas y contiene “valiosa” información sobre las actividades del organismo.


                                   FIBRAS/ Movimiento por Nicaragua (MpN)


  July – August extension project


Total Budget:                                                                                 $ 59,463.00



MPN Bulletin – MPN Bulletin is an communication tool that helps to share the thoughts and activities of MpN to all their members.  In this bulletin you can find pictures, informative briefings and important information about MpN activities, as well as some articles regarding political issues.  This bulletin is also distributed to international organizations and to opinion leaders. The cost of this bulleting will be of US$600 monthly for a total of US$1,200 after two months.  On every edition, 500 exemplars will be printed and distributed.

MPN News Paper – The MpN News Paper also called “El Movimiento por Nicaragua en Marcha” will have most of the information that the bulleting contains, but it will be largely distributed through our departmental offices and organized chapters.  This newspaper will be edited every quarter, and will contain the position of MPN over the most important political issues.  The cost of this news paper will be of $450 on every edition, for a total of 900 after two months.  On every edition 5,000 exemplars will be printed and distributed

bmitted to:                                                   National Democratic Institute (NDI)

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