NDI paga a MpN hasta la seguridad

El Instituto Nacional Demócrata, NDI, otorga fondos para los programas del Movimiento por Nicaragua, MpN, donde se incluye el 100 por ciento para salarios de coordinadores, secretarias, gestores, técnicos y hasta para los cuerpos de seguridad física, CPF.


Esos presupuestos, los cuales se viven renovando y ampliando en determinados tiempos, incluyen todo lo necesario, hasta el cafecito y las galletitas que se consumen en las reuniones.


                                   FIBRAS/ Movimiento por Nicaragua (MpN)


  July – August extension project


Total Budget:                                                                                 $ 59,463.00

Submitted to:                                               National Democratic Institute (NDI)



  1. Contractual Services


NDI will provide funding for:


  • Six CAC Local Coordinators at US$ 480 per month, totaling US$ 5,760 after two months


  • Six secretaries US$ 230 per month, totaling US$ 2,760 for two months.


  • Three people in charge of requesting birth certificates and other documents at US$ 100 each one per month, totaling US$ 1,200 for two months.


  • One data entry technician at US$ 290 per month, totaling US$ 580 for two months.


In addition, MpN will be responsible for a proportional payment of US$ 150 per month for Security Guard Services for headquarters, totaling US$ 300 after two months.  In order to protect warehouse, documents and equipment, and help in office matters MpN will also hire a person for CAC Managua at US$ 150 per month, totaling US$ 300 after two months..


The CAC Local Coordinators will supervise the quality of services provided by MpN and ensure that they are properly handled, processed and certified.


The total amount for Contractual Services will be of US$10,600










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