¿Qué esconde Violeta Granera?

La Directora Ejecutiva del Movimiento por Nicaragua, MpN, y de otros organismos más, Violeta Granera, contrató empleados de mucha confianza para realizar tareas confidenciales y los ubicó en la planilla del programa Centro de Atención Ciudadana. ¿Cuáles fueron esas tareas confidenciales?

Lo anterior se detectó en la solicitud que hiciera la señora Granera al Instituto Nacional Democrático, NDI, de ampliar ese programa dos meses más y para lo cual pidió una partida de fondos extras por 57 mil 463 dólares.



                                   FIBRAS/ Movimiento por Nicaragua (MpN)


  July – August extension project


Total Budget:                                                                                 $ 59,463.00

Submitted to:                                               National Democratic Institute (NDI)




The Assistant Program Officer (APO): will spend 100% of her/his time performing complex and confidential administrative support assignments; establishing and maintaining positive and cooperative relationships with the Program Officer, co-workers and staff; and using creative problem-solving techniques to complete assignments and resolve concerns.  She/he will communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; prioritize work assignments and meet deadlines; maintain-up-to-date files and records; and generate letters, memoranda, reports and presentations from draft copies or a general concept.


Specific responsibilities of the APO will include:

  • Support the Program Officer with the correct administrative and logistical functioning of each Citizen Attention Center, ensuring the achievement of objectives and indicators established for the project.
  • Manage and control the project budget and other related administrative tasks (accounting, check requests, weekly budget updating, petty cash, etc.) carried out at headquarters and each CAC, and unify all administrative procedures.
  • Periodically visit the CACs for supervision and administrative training.
  • Coordinate and implement project-related activities such as training, forums, talks, etc.
  • Supervise and coordinate all operating activities, pursuant to guidelines and directions established by the Program Office, in order to achieve the proper functioning of each Citizen Attention Center, ensuring fluid communication and coordination between each office and headquarters.
  • Supervise, in coordination with the Program Officer, the correct implementation of the media campaign in each Citizen Attention Center.
  • Review and edit all documentation produced pursuant to the management of each office (executive reports, weekly and monthly activity plans and any other required documents.)
  • Any other responsibilities established pursuant to project objectives and indicators.


  • Review and edit all documentation produced pursuant to the management of each office (executive reports, weekly and monthly activity plans and any other required documents.)
  • Any other responsibilities established pursuant to project objectives and indicators.


The Assistant Program Officer salary is projected at US$ 700 per month for the two-month duration, totaling US$ 1,400.


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